Auburn Network Chiropractic

Store Details

  • Address

    101 Orange St
    Auburn, CA 95603

    Phone Number

    (530) 888-8865
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More Business Info & Hours

  • Store Hours:

    Mon 10:00-18:00
    Tue 10:00-12:00
    Wed 10:00-18:00
    Thu 12:00-13:00
    Fri 10:00-18:00
    Sat 11:00-12:00
  • Services/Proucts:

    Simple: Any sense you have indicating you are living in a state of less than peace (I don't feel good) is a sign your nerves are compromised (less than 100% conduction of nerve impulse, Subluxation) and You would do well with an adjustment. You know when you are just not up to functioning at peak performance. How simple is it? Your nerves aren't happy, you are not happy, your nerves convey uptight, you are uptight and visa versa., We offer non-force adjustments (Network Spinal Analysis, Concious Touch, Sacro-occipital Technique, Cranial/TMJ, Soft tissue reflex techniques) as well as traditional specific Chiropractic adjusting to assist in re-establishing proper joint mechanics. In other words, when your joints work properly (and without pain) you can actually function or at least slow down the wear and tear caused by joints that have lost integrity of motion (Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease)., This office is a good place to start your journey of re-establishing your goals for living healthy and in

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