JLA Lawn Care

Store Details

  • Address

    P.O. Box 804
    Linden, MI 48451

    Phone Number

    (810) 569-2922
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More Business Info & Hours

  • Store Hours:

    Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00
    Sat 10:00-14:00
  • Categories:

    Landscaping & Lawn Services, Lawn Maintenance
  • Services/Proucts:

    Our Services include: Mowing & Trimming Service Weekly, Bi-weekly or one time cuts. Service includes cutting the lawn, trimming and blowing grass clippings from all hardscapes. Edging Do you have excess dirt or overgrown grass on your driveways, sidewalks, or brick paths? Let us give you a clean edging to get those grass clippings standing up! Clean-ups No matter what it is; sticks, twigs, dirt, or litter. We can remove your waste with our seasonal grounds clean-ups. Mulching Service We install all locally available mulches, stone and Rock. Having mulch in your landscape beds prevent weeds, and retains moisture and nutrients in the soil while increasing curb appeal. Light Landscape Projects Plantings of small trees, shrubs, perennials, and more! Small Tree Trimming & Removal We can trim up that small tree that has grown out of shape or we can remove small dead or unwanted trees.

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