Lev Robert G

Store Details

  • Address

    4766 Michigan Blvd
    Youngstown, OH 44505

    Phone Number

    (330) 759-1423
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More Business Info & Hours

  • Store Hours:

    Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00
  • Categories:

    Attorneys, Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Attorneys
  • Services/Proucts:

    Mutual Education: This process encourages a thorough examination of the client's overall situation in order that the best possible service is provided. The process also forces the client to think through all aspects of his intellectual property protection, including an examination of the ultimate reasons for obtaining a patent, and what can be done with that patent. Patentability: The likelihood of obtaining meaningful patent claim protection is balanced with the client's previous expenditures with respect to the invention and the client's current position in the market. Goals: We assist each client in defining his short-term long-term intellectual property goals in order to develop a solid plan to reach those goals. The client will be guided through those choices in a manner designed to serve the client's interests. Market Placement: This aspect of intellectual property is often overlooked and should be accorded special attention, as it i nfluences the long-term intellectual property goals of t

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