
Store Details

  • Address

    510 Lapp Rd
    Malvern, PA 19355

    Phone Number

    (800) 368-3992
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More Business Info & Hours

  • Store Hours:

    Mon-Fri 08:00-20:00
  • Categories:

    Lawn Maintenance, Tree Service, Landscaping & Lawn Services
  • Services/Proucts:

    Lawn Care: It’s easier to get out and live life outside on your lawn when it’s lush, green and weed free. We respond to your lawn’s needs with the highest quality service by providing a combination of weed control and fertilization treatments designed to target every lawn care issue. This careful attention to your lawn means that you’ll enjoy a greener, more weed-free lawn year-round. And we back that with our Healthy Lawn Guarantee: our promise that we’ll visit your property as often as needed to make any necessary adjustments. So you can get outside for a game of catch, a backyard barbecue or just some good old-fashioned cloud gazing sooner than ever. Tree and Shrub Care: At TruGreen, we know that trees and shrubs are an important part of your ability to enjoy your lawn. That’s why we work to secure your complete landscape environment with stronger, healthier, more beautiful trees and shrubs that you can enjoy for years to come. With our tree and shrub services, you’ll benefit from a

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